OverviewCore ValuesClasses




The mage is the basic class that all players start as. The mage is a versatile class with a balance of offensive, defensive, and movement-based capabilities. Mages advance into one of the eight different specializations listed below.


  • Energy ball (active): emits a ball of concentrated magic energy that propels forward until it collides with an enemy or environment.
  • Magic shield (active): creates a shield of magic energy around the player that absorbs a portion of damage and deducts it from mana instead.
  • Illusory dash (active): concentrates magic energy in the feet in order to dash forwards or backwards a short distance. The movement is so fast that an afterimage is left behind.
  • Spell mastery (passive): reduces the mana cost of all spells by a fixed percentage.


The archmage is a continuation of the basic mage class. It is suitable for players who desire a well-balanced class, which does not excel in any particular areas, but also has few weaknesses. Archmages are most effective in mid- to long-range combat, but can hold their own in close-combat too.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Enhanced energy ball (passive): a more destructive energy ball that continues to propel forward and deal damage even after colliding.
  • Reinforced magic shield (passive): improves the effect of magic shield to absorb more damage while reducing the amount of mana deducted.
  • Elemental research (passive): gives the player's spells a small chance to inflict various status afflictions on enemies.
  • Arcane barrier (active): creates a physical barrier that slows down enemies and halves the damage of any enemy attacks that pass through it.
  • Arcane boost (active): temporarily increases the maximum health and mana of the player and any party members.
  • Arcane explosion (active): creates an explosion of magic energy around the player, damaging any enemies in a medium range.
  • Daylight savings (active): halves the remaining cooldown of every spell of all players in the party. Does not apply to other instances of "Daylight savings".

Elementalist (Flame)

The flame elementalist is for players who like maximizing damage-over-time, and watching large swarms of enemies burn to the ground. Flashy fire skills are the highlight of this class, who can deal explosive damage at a medium range.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Flame infusion (passive): infuses fire into all attacking spells, giving them a chance to burn enemies on impact.
  • Flamethrower (active): channels fire through the player's staff to emit a continuous stream of fire forward. Consumes a large amount of mana per second.
  • Burning embers (active): leaves behind a temporary trail of embers wherever the player walks. Enemies that walk over the embers are burned.
  • Ignition (active): triggers an explosion on all currently burned enemies in a nearby radius.
  • Fire pillar (active): creates a tall pillar of fire that deals a large amount of damage to enemies in a small area.
  • Inferno (active): exudes an enormous amount of heat directly from the player's body, damaging all enemies in a nearby radius. Damage is inversely proportional to the distance from the player.
  • Flame aura (active): creates an aura around the player and any party members, increasing their damage output temporarily.

Elementalist (Frost)

The frost elementalist can stop enemies in their tracks by freezing them at range. When played effectively, the frost elementalist can deal devastating attacks without ever receiving damage. Their defensive playstyle should not be underestimated as they can still deal powerful damage when played effectively.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Frost infusion (passive): infuses ice into all attacking spells, giving them a chance to freeze enemies on impact.
  • Icicle javelin (active): transforms ice magic into the shape of a javelin and hurls it forwards, damaging any enemies in its path. Damage decreases with each subsequent enemy hit.
  • Ice slide (active): slides forward, leaving behind a path of ice that freezes any enemies who touch it.
  • Ice nova (active): creates several large chunks of ice that fall and damage any enemies in the area.
  • Frostbite (active): temporarily freezes the player but also nullifies any received damage while frozen.
  • Ice age (active): greatly lowers the surrounding air temperature, freezing and damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Permafrost (active): coats the player and any party members in a layer of ice, reducing damage taken while active.

Elementalist (Spark)

The spark elementalist excels at short bursts of high damage output. By channeling lightning to strike down enemies, spark elementalists can dish out huge damage numbers, but are subject to longer cooldowns between attacks. Players will need to manage the skill rotation effectively to maximize a spark elementalist.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Spark infusion (passive): infuses lightning into all attacking spells, giving them a chance to jolt enemies on impact.
  • Storm cloud (active): creates a large storm cloud that always travels toward the player and strikes any enemies that it passes over.
  • Lightning bolt (active): strikes an enemy with a bolt of lightning, dealing damage to the target.
  • Lightning field (active): creates a field of lightning energy that continuously damages enemies within it.
  • Lightning rod (active): marks a spot which draws lightning strikes towards it and damages any nearby enemies.
  • Lightning storm (active): triggers numerous lightning strikes in a large radius, damaging a number of enemies.
  • Lightning jolt (active): jolts the player and any party members with a small bolt of lightning, temporarily increasing their movement speed.

Sorcerer (Holy)

The holy sorcerer specializes in party-play and supporting skills to increase the damage and survivability of those around them. But don't underestimate them, holy sorcerers can still be effective solo-attackers when placed in the right hands.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Holy infusion (passive): infuses holy magic into all attack spells, giving them the ability to blind enemies on impact.
  • Beaming light (active): draws light into the player's staff, then emits it in a concentrated beam, damaging any enemies in its path.
  • Peaceful vow (active): applies a damage increase for each second the player does not attack. Upon attacking, the damage bonus is reset.
  • Purify (active): heals the player or a party member and nullifies any status effects.
  • Angelic lift (active): boosts the movement speed and damage cooldown of the player and all party members.
  • Judgement day (active): calls upon the heavens to pass judgement on all nearby players and enemies. Players are healed and enemies are damaged.
  • Divine intervention (active): revives a deceased player. The targeted player cannot attack for a short duration upon revival. Can be used on the player themselves or on another player in the party, but must be within a short time after the player's death.

Sorcerer (Curse)

The curse sorcerer is a high-risk, high-reward class that utilizes curses to weaken enemies and greatly strengthen the attack power of themselves and their allies. When managed properly, their curses can yield high damage output across an entire party, but when mishandled the curse sorcerer may prove fatal not only to themselves but their party as well.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Curse infusion (passive): infuses curse energy into all attacking spells, giving them a chance to curse an enemy. Cursed enemies deal less damage and receive more damage.
  • Sacrificial blow (active): utilizes curse energy to attack multiple enemies. If any enemies do not die, the player is inflicted with a temporary curse.
  • Puppeteer (active): targets an enemy and inflicts a curse, causing them to attack other nearby enemies instead of the player. When the curse ends the targeted enemy receives damage equal to the damage it dealt.
  • Curse release (active): releases a curse from the player or a nearby enemy, damaging all enemies in a small radius around the target.
  • Last resort (active): deals a significant amount of damage to a single enemy but curses the player and all party members in the process.
  • Death defiance (active): halves the maximum health of the player in exchange for a boost to damage and attack speed.
  • Destiny bond (active): targets another player in the party. Both players deal and receive additional damage. If the targeted player dies, the caster also dies.

Sorcerer (Blood)

The blood sorcerer is a unique class that utilizes their own health as a resource to deal damage. Blood sorcerers require high awareness of health and incoming damage to stay alive, but when managed well can be lethal. They are most effective when paired with allies with healing or defensive capabilities.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Blood infusion (passive): infuses the player's own blood into all attacking spells, increasing their damage but also reducing the player's health when cast.
  • Blood rush (active): continuously drains the player's health in exchange for a boost to attack and movement speed.
  • Blood boil (active): boils the blood of the player and all nearby enemies, dealing damage to all targets.
  • Blood draw (active): drains the blood of a nearby enemy, healing the player and damaging the enemy in the process.
  • Blood burst (active): emits the player's blood at a high velocity, damaging any enemies upon collision.
  • Blood transfusion (active): targets another player in the party, healing them and temporarily boosting their movement speed.
  • Blood pact (active): targets another player in the party. Damage to the targeted player is equally distributed between both players. If the caster has less than 50% health, both players receive a substantial damage increase.


The conjurer is a swiss-army knife, utilizing magic to materalize a variety of different weapons and attacks depending on the situation at hand. This class is ideal for players who are crafty and like to do it all.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Blast infusion (passive): infuses blast magic into all attacking spells, giving them a chance to explode and deal additional damage to nearby enemies.
  • Magic armor (active): imbues the player's clothing with magic energy, increasing its defense against physical and magical attacks.
  • Emanating pull (active): conjures a sphere of dense magic energy that pull enemies towards it, concentrating them in a single location.
  • Mace manifestation (active): swings the player's weapon while transforming it into a mace. Deals damage to enemies within a small radius.
  • Bow manifestation (active): transforms the player's weapon into a bow, using magic energy as a bowstring and arrow. Deals a large amount of damage to a single enemy within a long range.
  • Spear manifestation (active): hold the player's weapon horizontally and conjures magic energy to sharpen its end. Drives forward and deals damage to nearby enemies.
  • Field amplifier (active): creates a field of magic energy that enhances the damage of any spells casted within it.


The monk is the perfect class for those who enjoy fast attacks and close-ranged combat. Monks forego the use of a staff or other weapons and instead channel their magic energy directly into their fists, greatly increasing the speed and power of their melee attack abilities. Monks are highly agile but their close-ranged nature can leave them vulnerable to heavy damage.


Multi-target damage
Single-target damage
Party utility


  • Advanced spell mastery (passive): further reduces the mana cost of all spells.
  • Poison infusion (passive): infuses poison into the player's fists, giving a chance to poison any enemies struck by melee attacks.
  • Vow of silence (passive): forbids the user from equipping any weapons. Instead, substantially increases the amount of damage dealt by melee attacks.
  • Reverberating strike (active): channels energy into a powerful forward strike. If the strike kills an enemy, the energy is released in a nearby radius, damaging all enemies.
  • Barrage (active): pummels an enemy with a series of quick attacks, increasing in damage as the attack count increases.
  • Martial dash (passive): extends the duration of Illusory dash and increases the player's attack speed while dashing, but reduces the player's damage cooldown.
  • Singular focus (active): marks an enemy. All attacks against the marked enemy have increased damage and a higher likelihood to cause status effects.
  • Enlightenment (passive): increases immunity to all status afflictions.

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© Jordan Edwards